Fucked up lately?

Yesterday was the third and last edition (of the season, mind you) of the kick-ass concept 'FuckUp Night' at SUP46, where successful entrepreneurs had the chance to tell others about their fuckups rather than their obvious success stories. Some screw up more than others, and even though the sessions may contain tons of humour, there are lessons to learn from each and every one of them.

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Dropping Fuji, getting Fuji


First - X100. It was an eye-opener, to say the least. After switching it out for an X-Pro1, the mirrorless system Fuji launched seemed like something worth looking into more. And I mean more as in "hmm, maybe this is something to actually use for work".

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Tommy Trash x Marquise

We all have the times when we feel somewhat of a dip. When you just don't feel like what you do is good enough.

Those are the times when I just go out on a limb and do something. This round, it meant bringing a camera to a show. Now - it feels great again.

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Paintball x Spontano

So, Start-up Day was this Saturday. Then you'd might think Sunday would at least be somewhat of a weekend-ish thing, but noooooo...

Paintball. Out of all things, paintball.

We shot part of a commercial for Spontano, as well as other people. I mean, we didn't film them. We shot them. Fun times though, and a nice workout to prep for the coming week!

Start-up Day 2014

Last Saturday, I joined the rest of the Spontano team for a day at Münchenbryggeriet together with, well, basically every other startup in Sweden. Soundcloud, Uber and Narrative – just to name a few.

But yeah, I couldn't help bringing my camera. At least now I know I need more batteries to survive a whole workday with the X-Pro1.

Also, I'm trying out a watermark for future events and stuff. Just if you're wondering why there's a gorgeous looking logo at the bottom of each image.