Winter is here, let's go on a road trip

Because why not, you know?

Even though it lasted for a mere few hours, it was more fun that I've had in a long time. Let's hope we get to do it again sometime.

Oh, the purpose? To get some interior shots of a bunch of apartments. A new area for me, which makes it all the more fun.

Processed with VSCOcam with m2 preset


Bam. New year, new opportunities.

For me, 2014 is a more undecided year than ones before. Many things are happening just during this one month of January, and it could go either way. And by 'it', I mean everything. That makes me think of a lovely british lass who makes lovely songs. I'll just link the one I thought of down below.

One thing is for certain – 2014 is going to be one hell of an interesting year, with many things happening, changing all along the ride. One year to count.

I hope you have a nice one.


Merry Christmas. From Henrik, To Henrik.

Fuji X100 Black Edition, number 8574. Also including some quick test shots from the walk home.

All done

Dang, finally got around to remove the old front page, and combine the new one with a proper contact-tab. Did you find any bears, by the way?

Anyhow, the site is finally looking ready for proper business. I made some kind of logo, too, and I kind of like it. Now, let's do this.

New cases

Phew, got around to add a few a bunch of new (i.e. "old") cases from previous gigs. These are some of my favourites, bringing this site so much closer to completion. Down below are a bunch of samples from the added sets of McLaren & Spotify!

Warner Bros x Superman

Scandinavian Sci-Fi Convention. I'll have to give you a confession - it was my first time there. Ever. For years, I've wanted to go, but for different reasons, it never happened. It's really sad.

Thanks to Warner Bros, I found an excuse to finally visit, as they hosted a competition crowning the person knowing most about Superman in Sweden through an on-stage quiz. This coincided with the 75th anniversary of Superman, and the winner got a bad-ass statue.

Naimakka Duo Shoot

Oh boy, first entry. New site, new... everything. Even though the site is still under development, there's no reason to wait with this, right?

Well, let's start off with something easy. My friend Patrik over at Naimakka is launching a new site too, and needed some pictures of the management. The suit and the artist, so to speak. We had a lovely time with coffee, awful indoor lighting and chairs.